Students working

Third Grade

Third grade students did a S.T.E.A.M. activity that reinforced the multiplication concepts that they have been currently working on in math.  Students were given specific multiplication products and had to create a restaurant blueprint using arrays, with the given products. This activity also encouraged students to work together, problem solve, and communicate effectively as a team.








Fourth Grade

In fourth grade we are working on finding perimeter along with adding and subtracting whole numbers. We are focusing on working these problems through the use of story problems.  

ELA – The current focuses are character traits, character change, and questioning.   The writing emphasis is on types of sentences, the requirements of writing complete sentences and how to start the writing process.

Science – We are learning about the human body, senses, and the brain.  We are starting with the eye and vision and how the eyes work. We will move on to the brain & nerves when we discuss how the brain controls the body.  We will finish with Muscles & Skelton and learn about why biceps bulge.


Fifth Grade

Fifth Graders have been hard at work this month.  We are in the middle of our math unit on multiplication, including:  multiplying 2-digit by 3-digit numbers (both whole and decimals) , volume and exponents.  In reading, we are concluding our unit on summarizing and will be moving on to using context clues for comprehension.  Writing with colorful adjectives and vivid verbs has been a focus in writing, as well continual practice on constructing proper sentences and paragraphs.  We have also finished our social studies unit on Mesopotamia and have switched over to science. Here we are learning about the Earth’s spheres and how they are interconnected.  Earth’s four spheres are the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere.



In the month of October our health students at Country Trails will be continuing to develop their understanding of germ/illness prevention and the importance of washing hands. Following this the students will be participating in our fire safety unit where the students will be able to practice emergency procedures and develop fire safety plans for their homes, which coincides with our schools fire safety prevention week. During this week, the fire department will come and talk to our younger students who will get a chance to interact with the fireman and also see a fire truck.